Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Name Art

First, I wrote their names on paper with liquid glue.  Lily & Thomas thought that was cool and we hadn't even started!  Then I let them put salt on top of the wet glue.  They LOVED this.  Be sure to have your paper inside a pan.  This keeps the salt spillage to a minimum.

Once the letters are covered in salt, shake the excess salt off of the paper.  I mixed food coloring with a little bit of water in our ice containers.  The kids used paint brushes to put the color onto the salt letters.  We talked about how salt absorbs water.  I reminded Lily how we'd put salt on the ice during the winter.  She remembered why and we talked about absorption!

I had to show them how NOT to rub the paint brushes on the salt.  To let the salt absorb the colored water.  They both though it was really cool.  Lily loved how the colors would bleed together.

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