Yesterday, we ended up making a Frankenstein from things we had around home. I got the idea from an old The Mailbox (teacher's magazine) from 2001! Yeah, I'm a bit of a hoarder! The two things that I have a hard time getting rid of my old teaching items, hand-me-down clothes for the kids, and books. That's really what my garage is full of, along with a few furniture items from my grandparents.
Anyway, I got out the seasonal Mailbox magazines and found a really cute Frankenstein craft. Lily painted an empty oatmeal container. Don't make the same mistake as me- remove the label before painting!
After noticing that the label was showing and that it could be removed, I took it off- getting paint all over the table cloth and Lily and basically making a big mess! But the second time she painted it looked much better.
For the hair, Lily drew a wavy circle of brown felt around the oatmeal lid. I cut out the felt hair and hot glued it onto the lid. I also glued it on the outer part of the lid so the hair wouldn't stick straight out.
I cut out eyebrows from the brown felt and eyes from white felt. Lily colored the pupils of the eyes with marker. If you look closely, you can see the green felt nose. I cut out a triangle and only glued the edges of it. This made the nose stick out 3-D style.
Lily colored a piece of tin foil for the mouth. After we glued it on, she decided that the Frankenstein looked too scary! I took it off, removed a bunch of paint, repainted the mouth area, and put on a new mouth. This time I cut out a smiley face and Lily colored it with a yellow marker. She wanted Frankenstein to have yellow teeth, so the color would be like a minion!
I started a hole on each side and Lily put in bolts for the Frankenstein! She named the creation Lilystein! Very original!
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