Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Marble Art

Today my little guy, my nephew and I made a cute art project.  It was super easy, a little messy and the boys had a blast.  All you need are a few supplies and they're probably ones that you have on hand already.
1.  Shaving Cream
2.  Food Coloring
3.  Toothpicks
4.  Paper (we used cardstock)
5.  Some sort of scraper 

      Go ahead and put the shaving cream on a thin pan or baking sheet.  Then let your kiddos smear it all around!  This is the part that the boys really liked.  At first my nephew was hesitant but then he dove right in.  Make sure the shaving cream covers all of the pan, so you might have to go back over it when the kids are done.  I then let the boys color on the table with the shaving cream!

     Now here's where it got a little messy!  In hindsight, I would have the boys wear gloves or have the adult do this next part.  The boys did wear paint shirts to be safe!  You'll take the food coloring and place drops of it all over the paper.  We talked about the colors as they were dropping the colors.  Then use a toothpick and swirl the food coloring all around the shaving cream.  You can even talk about what happens when colors get combined- secondary colors!

      After the shaving cream gets swirled, simply place the paper on top of the shaving cream and gently press the paper down.  Once you lift the paper up just use the scraper and wipe the shaving cream off.  It leaves a beautiful marble effect on the paper.  I would definitely put down a plastic table cloth for this part!  The table gets pretty messy but Mr. Clean helps to take care of it!

     The paper will need to dry for awhile, but then you can do anything with it.  We plan on cutting ours out into hearts and coloring them for Valentine's Day!  I would also keep a close eye on them and make sure they don't try to sneak a taste of the shaving cream when you're not looking.  According to my nephew, it doesn't taste very good! ;)

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