Meet Mrs. Nestler

My name is Kelly Nestler and I live in Pecatonica with my husband, Ryan, and our four kids- Andrew, Chloe, Lily, and Thomas.  I am originally from Rockton and attended Boylan Catholic High School.  I attended Western Illinois University for four years. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education and middle school endorsements in English, science, and social science.  

I have taught 4th grade, 2nd grade, preschool and 1st grade.  

When I am not teaching, I love spending time with my family and friends.  I am an avid reader and enjoy coaching volleyball! I love being outdoors with my family, especially hiking and camping.  I am also the Girl Scout leader for my two girls and a Venture Crew leader for my oldest two.  Each summer, my family and I go on a new vacation.  So far, we've seen Washington DC, New Orleans, the Gulf coast, Pennsylvania, Florida, California and most southern states. Our vacations are always fun and definitely filled with adventure and education.  I've gone backpacking through New Mexico at the Philmont Scout Ranch, white water rafting, and hiking with my Venture Crew.  Recently, I've traveled to England, France, Switzerland, and Italy with Girl Scouts!

Goals for Our Class

1.  To have a love and respect for books and reading.
2.  Respect for others and himself/herself.

3.  Create a community of learners.

4.  Use a hands on approach to teach a multitude of math concepts.

5.  Guide students to become a well developed writer that uses all the traits of writing.

6.  Inspire your child to seek knowledge on his/her own.

7.  Help your child see the value of education and become a life long learner.

8.  To learn about and respect our world and environment.