Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Math Journals

When I was teaching second grade, we did a morning calendar time along with a math time- a story problem, counting money, making change, and telling time.  Since I was continuing the calendar time, I knew that I also wanted to do the math time.  Now, Lily's only 3, so most of the math time is out of the question......for now.  However, we are going to do the daily math story problem and probably I'll add money later on. 

     I created a bunch of daily math journal prompts for us to use.  I printed them out on paper and cut them into strips.  Each day, Lily pulls one out of the bag and glues it into her journal.  I read it to her and guide her as needed.  I did need to teach Lily how to put the prompts on the next available page.  I then date each page as we work through.  

Check out the little cutie in the background!


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