Saturday, February 11, 2017

4's--> Valentine Care Bags

     I have an 8 year old nephew with a congenital heart disease- HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome).  Basically he was  born with the left side of his heart missing.  He encountered AMAZING doctors and has had three open heart surgeries.  One day while he was 2 and in the hospital after his second surgery, a mom and little boy delivered a care bag.  The bag was filled with a few small toys and cards from the other family.  My sister and nephew had no idea who this family was but it made the second half of their hospital stay easier.  Since that day, my wonderful sister makes Care Bags around Valentine's Day.  Last year, we made enough to donate to every child in all three Rockford hospitals, as well as my nephew's Chicago and Milwaukee hospitals!

     This year, OUR amazing preschoolers got to participate.  I told them the story of my nephew and said that we will be making cards to go in to these Care Bags.  The kids were really excited!  They know and completely understand that it's wonderful to shine like Jesus and to do nice things for people just because it's the right thing to do.  They don't expect anything in return!  The innocence of our preschoolers needs to be shared!  We made beautiful Valentine cards for children that we will NEVER meet and fully enjoyed doing it.  Here are a few pics.

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