Saturday, February 11, 2017

3's--> Penguin Fun

     The past two weeks we've been learning all about Penguins!  We've practiced waddling like penguins, learned that penguins don't live near Santa at the North Pole, learned that some penguins live near beaches, they're birds with feathers but don't fly, they eat fish and squid, and of course made several penguins!  We painted penguins with an oval body and a circle head, made a pattern scarf and then measured our penguins.  Some of our penguins were 13 cubes high and some were as small as 8 cubes high.


 On another day, we worked on our numbers by Rolling-a-Penguin!  Depending on the number that we rolled, the dice would tell us which part of the penguin we needed to draw!  Sometimes, we lost a turn because that part of the penguin was already drawn.

Pajama Day Twins!

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