Thursday, September 8, 2016

3's- Letter Bb Week

     Our three year olds are really getting the hang of our school routine.  I have to be honest, the first week was hard!  Learning how to walk down the hallway in a straight line is tough.  Remembering to keep our voices quiet when we're really excited about something is almost impossible.  But the threes now have it down!  Yes, we still get a little loud especially when we're singing!

     This past week was our B week.  We read the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and worked on making predictions.  We also mastered our red color and was introduced to a rainbow of colors through our book.  The kids know how to spell red and can definitely recognize a circle- NO straight lines!

     We've been working on our fine motor skills by making letter Bb with playdoh and even filling in our letter Bb papers with stickers.  It takes a lot of work to use our little fingers to roll the doh and peel off the sticker backs.  These muscles need to get stronger to work our pencils and make our letters!

     We also had a few visits from Father Romke.  We LOVE when he stops in.  We talked about the animals from our story with him.  And he had some fun mixing up our animals.  This week was also RED week!

     Here's a glimpse of our week through photos....

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