Sunday, October 30, 2016

4's--> Turtle Time

     As you know, we have a NEW classmate- Franklin the Turtle.  It ties in perfectly with our current reading series book "La Tortuga" (turtle in Spanish).  To go along with our new friend and turtle story, our fours have been learning about turtles.  We've been playing turtle math games and reading LOTS of non-fiction books.  We've been working on our poster "Turtle Can.... Turtles Have...."  You can see our poster in the hallway- the kids have learned so much already.  This week, we made turtles to help decorate our turtle poster.
     We worked on coloring in the lines and cutting.  This was hard for many of us and we had to do some surgery on our turtles.  Usually it was just one leg that got cut off, but a few of us lost a head too!

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