Thursday, November 12, 2020

I miss you!

 It sure is lonely teaching without my Brilliant Bees!  I am so proud of my Bees and how well they're transitioning to online learning.  🐝

Sunday, November 8, 2020

I is for iguana

 This week, we learned all about reptiles with a special focus on iguanas! It was also I week.  We ended the week with a directed drawing by Art Hub.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tom the Turkey

 For our November Family project, we needed to disguise Tom the Turkey so he wouldn't become our Thanksgiving dinner! 🦃

This turkey is wearing a mask!

This turkey is Mario!

This turkey is one of Santa's helpers!

Cookie Math

 Today we worked on adding one more. But to make it even more exciting, we used cookies as our counters. And then of course we ate the cookies when we were finished!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Halloween Fun

 We had a great time during our Halloween party!  We played outside, tried making our balls go in to the pumpkin, ate sweets & paraded around the school!