Monday, April 22, 2019

Rocking Around the Clock

We've been working quite a bit on our telling time unit in math. We learned about the parts of a clock, how to tell the difference between an analog and digital clock, how to build a clock and of course how to tell time. I'm proud to say that we have mastered telling time to the hour.  We also do pretty well with time to the half hour.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Sweet Moon Phases

The last part of our Space Unit was learning about the phases of the moon.  We did several activities to learn about the moon, where it comes from, why it is "lit up" and the different phases.

One of the activities was using cookies to create the different phases. The kids had fun and LOVED eating afterwards!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Space Projects

We started our Space Unit before spring break.  The kids were so excited to learn about the different planets in our solar system.  They already had quite a bit of background knowledge, we call it schema in the classroom!  To tie our space unit with our April family project, each child had a space object to research, build a poster or 3D model, fill out the information sheets and present.  The kids drew the space objects out of a bowl.  They could have one of the planets of our solar system including Pluto, the Sun, and our moon. 

Today they presented their space objects to the rest of the class.  The projects are AMAZING!!  The kids did a really nice job reading their presentations and were very proud of their work. 

Liam- Mars

Ainsley- Sun

Journey- Venus

Sean- Earth

Jeffrey- Neptune

Kaia- Jupiter

Ian- Saturn

Gavin- Earth's Moon