We have match centers every day. We spend 12 minutes at each center- Small Group, Technology, Application, Journals and Games. Each center is learning more about the current topic or a spiral review of previous topics. Our small groups are leveled, so the students are working with a peer at their same ability. This allows me to spend quality time helping the students who are struggling with a topic and provide enrichment for other students. We use a lot of hands on manipulatives to ensure that the students are grasping the math concepts. The students also work together in groups which allows them to act as teachers and guide their partner through an activity. We also take a lot of "games" and turn them in to math games- Addition Jenga, Addition Connect Four, Dominos, etc.
Besides having our math centers, we also have calendar and number of the day. This helps the kids use and learn how the calendar works. Our calendar helper guides the kids through the calendar and asks two questions to the class. The class has to use the calendar to solve the questions. The calendar helper also works through the number of the day. Each day the number changes. The students have to show if the number is odd/even, write a number sentence, show the number with dominoes and tally marks, number bond, and more.
We also have our whole class math time daily. This is when I teach the new concepts and review the current concept with the class. The three math sections (whole class, centers, calendar) are spread out and taught at different times throughout the day. In all, we have close to two hours of math each day!