Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

The kids loved making their Mother's Day gifts!  Don't worry Dads....we've got something special planned for you as well!

Saturday, May 12, 2018


We're reviewing our nouns= person, place, and things!  Next week we'll review our verbs and adjectives.  We're almost ready for 2nd grade!

H= Hat Day & Our Annual Race For Education

Today we celebrated our H Day by wearing hats.  It worked out perfectly since it was also our Race For Education Day!  The kids walked/ran laps with friends and family all to raise money for our amazing school.  We even had a special visitor from the Chicago Bears!

G= Game Day

For G Day, the kids brought in games.  We took turns teaching the class how to play the games.  We worked A LOT on good sportsmanship, manners, and patiently waiting for a game to open up!