Saturday, August 27, 2016

30 Reasons Why Preschoolers Are Downright Awesome

I found this amazing article and it's spot on!  Here's 30 reasons why preschoolers are awesome.

1. They are honest. Want to know if your pants are too tight? Ask a preschooler. Want to know if you need an attitude adjustment? Ask a preschooler.
2. They trust. When you tell them you’re going to make something better, they believe you. When you tell them they’re the fastest runner in the world, they believe you.

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr 
3. They get excited. Isn’t it confusing to be around someone who never, ever, under no circumstances shows enthusiasm? With a preschooler, you know when they’ve bought in to a plan, and you can’t help but get excited with them.
4. They get it done. Try and stop a preschooler from building a rocket out of frying pans, we dare you.

Photo: Herald Post via flickr
5. They make friends faster than Super Glue sets. “Hi. My name is your next best friend. Let’s be princesses.” Easy.
6. They get over it. So maybe the battle is loud and the protest is intense, but when they’re over it, they’re over it. When was the last time they brought up “that time you didn’t let me wear my leotard to church”?

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr
7. They accept you as you are. You’ll never hear them compare you to someone else’s mommy, or begin a conversation with “You know, you really ought to think about throwing those high heels out. They’re collecting dust, and it’s not like you’ll ever wear them again.” If anything, your preschooler is intrigued about the artifacts from a pre-preschool parent life.
8. They have epic memory retention and can help you find missing things. So what if they’re often the ones who’ve lost what you’re looking for? But they choose to use this super power sparingly. Sometime’s they’ve got it. Sometimes they don’t.

Photo: Emmanuelle Bourgue via flickr 
9. They laugh until they get hiccups, frequently. Was it a cartoon? Was it something the baby brother did? Who knows. Who cares. Preschooler laughter should be bottled for its medicinal value. It’s good for the soul.
10. They cry. When they’re sad, they cry. They don’t bottle it up. They don’t hit the freezer and wipe out a carton of Ben and Jerry’s. They cry. And they talk about it.

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr 
11. They want to be with you. Really, how cool is it that their numero uno desire isn’t the thing on the infomercial. It isn’t a better car or a bigger house. Preschoolers just want to hang. With you. Because they’re awesome.
12. They are helpful. Ish. Helpfulish. The will is there, even if the execution is sometimes flawed.

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr 
13. They don’t apologize for basic needs. Got to go to the bathroom? Sorry, photographer who only has two hours to nail the perfect family portrait. Tired? Don’t even bother trying to engage with him. Hungry? Unless you’ve got a cereal bar and a pack of gummies, don’t go near her. Preschoolers know about priorities.
14. They notice beauty. And they don’t have to be in a museum or in a Tiffany store to do it. The sun. A differently-sized rock. A disco ball dangling from the rear-view mirror in the car next to you at the red light.

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr
15. They get dirty. Let’s face it. Jumping in puddles is fun. Painting on paper is good, but painting on each other is more fun. And rolling down a muddy hill with a sprinkler on in your clothes is the absolute most fun.
16. They ask questions. You know the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Maybe the old dog could do new tricks if he remembered to be interested in things. Preschoolers are interested in everything.

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr
17. They imagine. Try explaining to a preschooler the fundamentals of soccer, and then try telling her that she’s a Jedi knight who has to deliver the treasure to the mother ship. See which one inspires performance.
18. They don’t self deprecate. In fact, they know they’re pretty awesome. And they can tell you about it.

Photo: Eelco Cramer via flickr 
19. They encourage each other. Oh, to be the older preschooler with the knowledge to traverse the monkey bars. There is no cheerleader better than a preschooler who’s mastered something.
20. They’re always up for adventure. A trip to the grocery store? Not so much. A scavenger hunt at the grocery store? Money.

Photo: S. Massey
21. They have the most fabulous fashion sense. First and foremost, it had better not be scratchy, itchy, or tight. Added points for graphic kittens or dinosaurs. Bring it home with a nice chevron stripe or lightning bolt somewhere. Pipe-cleaner glasses? Lookin’ good.
22. They crack themselves up. Because they’re old enough to understand and tell (and re-tell, and re-tell) silly jokes.

Photo: Philippe Put via flickr 
23. They tell you when they’re angry. Really, this is a good thing. Really. Imagine if adults were that brave.
24. They’re comfortable in their own skin. Have you ever seen a preschooler suck it in? Nope. How awesome is that?

Photo: Donnie Ray Jones via flickr 
25. They dance. And they mean it. There is no yes-no-maybe at a preschool dance party. You’d better push the furniture back and pad the walls, because there are preschoolers about to get. down.
26. They play in a whole new way. Eavesdrop on your preschooler instrumenting a “conversation” between two or more toys and you’ll know what we mean.

Photo:Jan H. via flickr
27. They can turn anything into a plaything. Tree bark, brooms, rice—anything!
28. They can finally reason. Gone are the days of baby cognition. It’s nice to see you, reason. Won’t you stay awhile?

Photo: Valentina Powers via flickr 
29. They can wipe. Thank goodness they can wipe.
30. They create. Beauty, love, laughter, art, messes, happy memories, opportunities, and fun. Always fun.
Original article:

Friday, August 12, 2016

School is starting

     It's almost time for another school year!  The summer always seems to fly by and this summer was no exception.  My family had a great time on our South Dakota trip and our annual Lake Delton family reunion.  This was also the first time that we've had professional pictures taken of our family! Trust me, our family is pretty big so this was amazing.  I LOVE having photos of my favorite people all around me.

I hope your summer was filled with many memories!  I can't wait to hear all about them.